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Emotion Blends > Turmoil 10 ml
Turmoil 10 ml

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Price: $32.38
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 5720

INGREDIENTS: ajowan, davana, frankincense, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, lime, palmarosa, rose, rosemary, rosewood, sandalwood, spikenard, zanthoxylum

AFFINITY FOR: immune system, emotional stability
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
APPLICATION: “Rain drop” this blend down the spine or along the inside of the foot (the spine in foot zone therapy); then massage it in. Put on the chest, behind the ears, or on the forehead. This blend can also be helpful when diffused or sniffed. The aroma can be gently stimulating and centering.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: If someone is recovering from an accident or surgery, diffuse Turmoil near them or have them inhale it frequently.
EMOTIONAL/SPIRITUAL/MENTAL ASPECTS: Turmoil helps us to view trials from a more positive perspective. This blend is useful in rebuilding the physical/emotional connection after trauma or loss. Turmoil should be considered for the anger stage of grief and later, if the grief seems to be settling into depression. Turmoil calms hyperactivity and nervousness. This remedy can calm a person who is jumping from project to project, thought to thought, and help them settle down, organize themselves, and accomplish something.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Turmoil is a remedy for shock and trauma, especially those that are affecting physical well-being and weakening the immune system. It stabilizes a person who is feeling faint or going into shock.



Therapeutic Blends
Emotion Blends





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