These 7 are the first single oils you'll want to learn to use because they are...
Affordable. They are among the most cost effective oils because they deliver the most benefits for their cost.
Versatile. Each performs so many therapeutic functions that you could use any one of them most essential oil functions. Most essential oil training starts with these seven oils.
Powerful yet safe. Overall these 7 are more highly effective for their cost than most other oils and yet they are not so "hot" that they can't be used safely and effectively by the beginner.
Pleasant. These 7 oils are among the most popular aromas and flavors in the essential oil world. They're familiar and easy to introduce into your family's lifestyle.
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For relief of pain, cramps or spasms in the lower abdomen from gastric as well as other causes…even related headaches. Massage diluted over lower abdomen and back. Use a trace on the tongue or in water to settle digestion.
To prevent viral infections, use on chest, back and over sinus areas daily. For viral infections, diffuse or ingest a trace frequently or take diluted in a capsule.
For minor burns and sunburns, dilute in water and apply or spray. Inhale for shock and other stress to head or shoulders. Use for cuts and scrapes. For stress headaches use diluted on shoulders and neck.
Diffuse to clear the mind and purify the air. Dilute in water for a disinfectant spray. Take a few drops in lemon juice and water as a daily liver, gall bladder and kidney cleanse and to prevent infections. GRAS
For small painful areas and to reduce bruising, use undiluted on location. For temporary headache relief, use a trace on temples, forehead and back of neck. Use a drop in a teaspoon of honey to clear sinuses. Inhale a drop from a tissue for travel fatigue, indigestion, nausea, motion sickness or gastric cramps. To settle the stomach or cool a fever, use 3 – 4 drops in a quart of water. GRAS.
An excellent mild, safe, yet powerful antimicrobial oil for difficult infections of all types, even superbugs that do not respond to many of the latest antibiotics. Use for cuts, scrapes, insect bites. Use as a main ingredient in ingestible capsules. GRAS