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Emotion Blends > Discernment 10 ml
Discernment 10 ml

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Price: $19.25
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 5140

INGREDIENTS: cistus, geranium, hinoki, lavender, orange sweet, rose, rosewood, sage, spruce

AFFINITY FOR: emotional balance, brow chakra, crown chakra, heart chakra
RESONANCE: physical and emotional
APPLICATION: Discernment can be diffused, applied to wrists or temples, added to a bath, or used with almond oil for massage.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Because this blend dissipates negative emotions, it helps us move forward with renewed vigor and enthusiasm to achieve our dreams.
EMOTIONAL/SPIRITUAL/MENTAL ASPECTS: Discernment promotes feelings of faith in the future and renewed enthusiasm for the pursuit of our goals and dreams. This blend can help us discern the path best suited for us and most likely to bring happiness and contentment to our lives. Discernment is also helpful in bolstering decision making abilities.
Discernment can help us achieve a healthy balance between the analytical left brain and the intuitive right brain. Its special function seems to be helping us maintain a balance between preparations for the future and living with joy and peace today.
Discernment has a special place for those who struggle with pride or arrogance, or who fail to credit heaven and other people with any part in their successes. This blend can be particularly useful for those in leadership positions. It can aid them to see past the physical appearances and circumstances of others, while giving them the ability to discern the strengths and intrinsic worth of those they serve. The skill of seeing the worth of another soul is also a valuable asset among family members, members of a community, or work group.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: All essential oils are antibacterial, antiseptic, and antiviral. Discernment is no exception and it has a pleasant aroma. It can be used to disinfect anything. Discernment is effective against canker sores.
Cautions: This blend contains a small amount of sage, which is strongly contra-indicated for use during pregnancy; it may be wise to exercise a bit of caution with this blend when pregnant, epileptic, or suffering from high blood pressure.



Therapeutic Blends
Emotion Blends





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