AFFINITY FOR: nerves, bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, all 5 subtle bodies, all of the meridians, all of the chakras
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
APPLICATION: Patches should be diluted and applied at the site of the pain or injury. Patches is excellent as a compress and as a general massage oil.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Patches was designed for the repair and healing of damaged tissues, tendons, and ligaments. Patches is strongly anti-inflammatory, making it effective in restoring motion to inflamed and swollen joints. Patches promotes quicker and more complete healing by inducing oxygen and blood flow to the injured tissue. Patches should be used for sports and other injuries, muscle spasms, torn ligaments and tendons, bruises, and bursitis. This blend, applied to the neck and shoulders, is useful for headaches that are produced by tension, stress, and the tightening of the muscles in the neck or upper back. Patches is an excellent oil for improving and restoring circulation.
EMOTIONAL ASPECTS: Patches heals the damaged and broken energy places in the chakras and meridians. It helps the various layers of our bodies (physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental) work together and communicate freely with each other. “Patching” us up (actually healing us is a better description) on every level is what this essential oil blend is good for.