Think of cedarwood as a powerful oil for breaking up phlegm and congestion not only in the physical body, but also congestion that may be cluttering our minds and emotions.Cedarwood is excellent for meditation and clarity of mind. It reduces tension and promotes restful sleep. Use for ADHD.
Dilute and apply to the feet or to the body.
Physical Benefits
Because it dissolves mucous, cedarwood is useful for chest infections, asthma, and coughs. It also sooths and heals the skin, especially the scalp. Cedarwood is often used for dandruff, hair loss, and psoriasis.
Being a decongestant, astringent, and anti-microbial oil, cedarwood is helpful in both respiratory and urinary tract infections. Use as an insect repellent around spices and foods. It is not only antiseptic and antifungal, but also an astringent. It stimulates the circulatory system and calms the nervous system at the same time—a rare and powerful combination. Cedarwood helps with lymphatic drainage and stimulates the breakdown of fat in the tissues. It is mildly diuretic, helping somewhat with cellulite and water retention.
Emotional and Mental Benefits
Cedarwood was used traditionally by the Indian tribes of America to enhance spiritual communication. Like all conifer oils, cedarwood enhances feelings of security and protection. The aroma calms anger and relieves nervous tension. It quiets the mind chatter, going over and over the same details. It promotes firm resolve and emotional stability, even against persistent opposition. Use cedarwood when you are going into strange or unfamiliar situations. Cedarwood has been shown effective with ADHD.
Cedarwood oil is steam distilled from wildcrafted cedar bark
CAUTIONS: Pregnant women should avoid using Cedarwood.