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Therapeutic Blends > EndoRelief 10 ml
EndoRelief 10 ml

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Price: $12.80
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 5230

INGREDIENTS: cumin, cypress, coriander, dill, geranium, myrtle, nutmeg, oregano wild, petitgrain, sage

AFFINITY FOR: endocrine system, pineal gland, lymph system, pituitary gland, emotional boundaries
RESONANCE: physical, emotional, spiritual
APPLICATION: EndoRelief should be applied to the lymph glands of the neck, chest, and armpits whenever a cold, sore throat, or flu is suspected. Using EndoRelief early, before the illness is fully developed will lessen its severity.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: This blend is best applied to the body.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: EndoRelief aids our emotional health because it strengthens and balances the wide range of organs and glands that make up the endocrine system. As our bodies and minds begin to function better, we feel more secure in ourselves. We are able to establish (or reestablish) boundaries between ourselves and others. This does not mean that we become prickly or rude; it enables us to be tactful and firm while still being kind and concerned.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: With improved endocrine function comes improved vitality and metabolism. Our weight naturally balances and we have enough energy to last through the day (and into the night, if we need to).
As an endocrine system balancer, EndoRelief can have a beneficial effect on any ailment that is related to endocrine organs such as the thyroid, pancreas, pineal and pituitary glands, parathyroid, thymus, and adrenal glands. This makes EndoRelief useful for such things as diabetes, hypoglycemia, bladder and kidney infections, candida, and so much more.
Support of the thyroid and parathyroids aids the proper absorption of calcium. Calcium absorption affects such things as the prevention of gallstones, kidney stones, arthritis, and osteoporosis. EndoRelief regulates hot flashes and moderates the other symptoms of menopause because the hormones balance as the endocrine system function improves.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Deliverance is one of the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal combinations available. Its many uses include respiratory infections, sore throats, strep throats, dental diseases and infections, cold sores, canker sores, cuts, general infections, athlete’s foot and toe nail fungus, and infection from slivers. Apply faithfully, undiluted, for warts (this takes a little time so be patient).
Frequent and consistent use of Deliverance also strengthens the immune system. Deliverance is an expectorant and helps the lymph system to drain. This is a very effective oil. Everyone should have it on hand.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Deliverance can be used, diluted, or diffused, in the home as a cleaner and air purifier to fight viruses and airborne bacteria.
Cautions: Care should also be taken to dilute well, especially if frequent use is anticipated. The clove, cinnamon, thyme, and oregano in this blend make it a possible skin irritant.



Therapeutic Blends
Emotion Blends





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