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Therapeutic Blends > Breezy 10 ml
Breezy 10 ml

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Price: $8.40
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 5120

INGREDIENTS: basil, birch, eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, ravensara

AFFINITY FOR: respiratory system, immune system, skin, muscles
RESONANCE: physical
APPLICATION: Breezey should be diluted and rubbed on the chest or back. It can also be diffused or placed on your pillow at night.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Breezey opens bronchial and sinus passages very effectively and has been successful in alleviating snoring.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: While generally thought of as an oil for physical illness, the aroma of Breezey lifts the spirits and brings a sense of confidence and self-worth.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Breezey, besides being very effective in times of illness, is an excellent respiratory tonic and immune stimulant. The inclusion of ravensara oil creates viral fighting and tissue rebuilding properties, especially for the lung and bronchial tissues. This blend should also be tried for colds, asthma, allergies, sinus congestion, and flu. Breezey makes an excellent muscle relaxant and pain reliever when you do not have WarmDown or Deeper handy and you have strained a muscle.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Breezey is often used alternately with Aspire.



Therapeutic Blends
Emotion Blends





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