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Single Oils > Spearmint 10 ml
Spearmint 10 ml

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Price: $7.20
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 2130

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: antiseptic, antispasmodic, disinfectant, carminative, cephalic, emenagogue, insecticide, restorative, stimulant

AFFINITY FOR: respiratory system, metabolism, digestive system, teeth and gums

RESONANCE: physical, emotional, mental



EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled

AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: A blend of spearmint and peppermint oils is an excellent blend for driving. It allows you to feel both wide awake, alert, and calm.

APPLICATION: Spearmint can be diluted in water and used as a mouth wash. Spearmint essential oil, diluted with carrier oil, can be applied anywhere on the body.

EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Spearmint essential oil is calming, relaxing, and uplifting. It is milder than peppermint and less likely to be over-stimulating if too much is used. Spearmint oil is a pleasant alternative to citrus oils for treating mental fatigue, depression, and eating disorders.

PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Spearmint has a relaxing and cooling effect on muscles and the nerves which feed them. This makes spearmint useful for spasmodic cough, abdominal cramps and spasms, muscle cramps, and nervous convulsions. Spearmint’s disinfectant properties are particularly effective for internal infections. Spearmint helps to restore normal function to the organs and systems of the body by repairing damage that has been done to cells, tissues, and nerves. Spearmint is an excellent choice for treating wounds and injuries. Its mildly stimulating properties make it a great tonic oil following an illness. The stimulant properties of spearmint work on the nerves, brain, blood circulation, metabolism, and immune system. Spearmint is said to help the body burn fat. Spearmint, swished regularly in the mouth, helps repair the enamel on the teeth.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Many times spearmint is treated as nothing more than a milder form of peppermint, but these two essential oils have very different chemical components and very different therapeutic actions.

CAUTIONS: Spearmint should be used cautiously with pregnant women and small children.




Therapeutic Blends
Emotion Blends





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